
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Murphy's law

Well, if anything could happen to make me more worried about the expense of going to RWA, it was this.

I was going to the grocery store this evening, accelarating on the access, and I blew an oil hose. I'm praying that's all it is. But I had a good while to think while I was waiting for the tow truck (Daddy Rule #1-Never drive a vehicle that has no oil). What if it had happened while I was in San Marcos, 20 minutes away? Or if Big J hadn't been home to call me that tow truck? ( I don't have a cell and haven't needed one in years)

The big problem? How much is this going to cost? And how much of THAT is going to hurt my conference expenses?

Well, I'm a little teary-eyed over the gesture. My man has me covered. He's making sure I AM going to conference and that even if the car is more than either of us think it will be, he will have the money to pay for it. (He also needs some crazy money for the days that I'm not home to cook and cater to him and the boy, so it's not all meant for me. Damn! Would make for some good Galleria money, right girls?)

I'm just upset that this happened. I did see oil in the drive when the truck dropped me off (Nice guy. Always use this shop in town), so it was only a matter of time apparently because the oil was not there this afternoon when I got home from the first leg of my shopping day.

But it never fails, right when you think you're almost safe. BAM!


And the world turns...

Tune in later for another episode of wacky weirdness, courtesy of yours truly.


Anonymous said...

I swear, cars and appliances have some kind of mojo where they *know* when you most need them not to break down...glad you can still go!

Sela Carsen said...

(((Diana))) You're right. What a crappy day. Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

Elle Fredrix said...

Diana, that sucks. Hopefully, you're right and it's just a hose. Even still, these kinds of things are a pain in the a** and always come at the worst time possible.

Diana Castilleja said...

I know. It's like they have some hidden signal that goes off when you just can't possibly squeezy another penny out of something.

I'm teary eyed at the gesture. Big J made sure I will still be able to go. But I'm still depressed. *sigh*

Diana Castilleja said...

Man, now I really need chocolate... :(

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that. I know how you feel.
I hate Murphy and his law.
Good thing about the man. I offered to cancel so we would have extra money to move with, and he told me that he would pick up extra shifts so I could go if he had to. *sniff, sniff*
Hope it is less than you expect to fix.

Unknown said...

Awwww! (((hugs))) it's all a test. Not to worry, you'll pass with flying colors. LOL I can hear you saying 'bite me' and I'm deaf lol *wink


Diana Castilleja said...

LOL Adelle... I'm surprised you didn't hear me when I was standing by the car, grumbling to everyone I could think of. :)

He's a doll Lia. He totally floored me wiht the offer. He had already done the number crunch by the time I got home and explained how he wanted to do it. Some days, he just amazes me.

Shari said...

UGH! That bites! Good to know that it's under control. I *hate* when I have car problems. I freak! Of course, the only times I've ever had flat tires (that I changed myself, thank ya very much) was right when I got pregnant with each of my kids. Didn't know I was expecting until after I did all the jacking up, etc. LOL Now I tend to be superstitious....

Romantic Heretic said...

Finagle's Law: The perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum.

I'm sure that will work in your favour soon.

L.K. Campbell said...

Car trouble is always such a pain and usually more expensive than we can afford. I'm glad it's not going to keep you from going to conference.

Shelli Stevens said...

How lame! I'm so sorry. I'm glad you can still go!