Diana Castilleja / Diana DeRicci
Best Selling Author
I know. You'd think it would be... I don't know... Actually sleeping.
Nah! That's for everyone else. Apparently!
I make up characters and book titles in my sleep. I do! I went to bed last night with a book title on the edge of my brain, then I woke up this morning with the characters for it. Give it a day or two, and I'll probably have the plot too.
My brain never shuts off I guess. Aren't I lucky? *snort*
Come by and say hey. :) Just a little head examination of what affect Conference had on me this year and last.
I probably should have posted this yesterday, but I'm still getting the hang of trying to remember to post every day, so bear with me. So far this week has begun better then last week with only the minor confusion of thinking I'd chipped yet another part of my tooth being worked on. I'm having a crown done this Thursday with my fingers crossed, as well as all available body parts, to not need a root canal. I'm pretty sure the "bit" in question was actually a piece of shattered bone from the sausage we had for dinner. But if you had any idea of what I'd been dealing with this year with my teeth... Oy! Totally freaked me out.
So what I've done to help me forget the trauma of having yet another tooth issue has been... FREE BOOKS! Yep, From Monday the 21st until Sunday the 27th, Tor.com is giving away the back list the intro'd with their newsletter. ALL OF THEM. And this time they're in different formats. So go check it out. It's like free candy!
They also have some awesome wallpapers to save. Gorgeous artwork. Definitely going to hate yourself if you pass this up.
I also wanted to remind you that the Romance Divas are having their Not Going To Conference Conference on the forum. It's all free too! Workshops, author Q&A, free stuff to giveaway. All you have to do is register on site and jump in.
http://www.romancedivas.com then head for the forum. But there's tons of info on site too. Feel free to scope it out. Reviews, interviews, author spotlights. Great stuff!
As for the rest of this week, there's not much to tell yet, but it's early yet. I so want a mother's day out. I might be getting one too. I 'overheard' the menfolk trying to be sneaky which is hard to do when they sit in the next room. Something about going to see a movie and leaving me here. Of course, I could be losing it. That's always been a possibility.
So until next time!
You know what I mean. No matter how long it's been since you've heard it, you could name it in two, okay, realistically ten, notes. You love the melody, the rhythm, or the lyrics. There's something about it that just sticks.
So here's thirteen of my favs in no real order. Eclectic yes? LOL
I do have more but it's late here for me. Yeah, I know... I'm showing my age.
What about you? Got a song or two that is just classic for yourself? Tell!
The Romance Divas annual Not Going to Conference Conference will make you feel a bit less deprived! Amazing workshops, a star-studded guest list and awesome giveaways, all on the Diva forum!
Don't miss it! Coordinated by Seeley deBorn!
Here's a bit of a schedule update for the Q&As and Workshops...
Wednesday, July 30 Paula Guran, Editor, Juno Books Q&A on Creating Kick a** Heroines Laurie Rauch, Editor, Samhain Publishing Workshop on What Happens After the Contract (aka Editors are People Too!)*
Thursday July 31 Joyce Hart, Hartline Literary Q&A on Inspirational Romance Stories and the Inspy Market Sandra Schwab, Historical Romance Author Workshop on Historical Accuracy and Anachronisms
Friday, August 1 Yolanda Sfetsos, Author of Guarded by Stone Q&A on Paranormal and Urban Fantasy World Building Katie MacIver, KatieDidDesign Workshop on Website Design and Color Selection
Saturday, August 2 Joey W. Hill, Erotica Author Workshop on Plotting Erotica and Erotic Romance Rhonda Stapleton, Editor and Author Workshop on Style and Voice
This week, I feel as though I have failed. The situation doesn't really matter. It's just the knowledge that somewhere along the line, I fell. I didn't get the answer right. I missed the bus. I failed.I know it's all in my head, thus the title. How often do we try, work, sweat, cry and still not reach the finish line? Still not get that raise? Still get the answer wrong no matter how many times we study?
That has been my week.
I'm trying to get above it. Trying to see that my choices were not wrong. They affect no one else (in this case, at least, Thank goodness!). I've admitted my mistakes, admitted to a lot of things, but I'm still wrong. Just how does that work? When does the failure go away? Does it ever?
I hope it does. I doubt I'll be lucky to be out from under the weight of it soon, like today. Oh, it's not an earth shattering failure. No one died. I think time is equal to the amount of blame we put on ourselves. In this situation, I'm totally to blame. I failed and it's my fault. I get that. So I'm just going to be morose for a day or so. I can work through the blame. I can work through the anger of failing. Hopefully, I'll be a happier person in a few days, because I hate feeling like a failure.
When you read? When you write (if you do)?
A friend's post this morning made me wonder. It's not the first time I'd heard of getting attached to characters. I've read posts from other writers who felt strongly attached and cried when their characters died or killed. I haven't had that in particular happen, but I can relate. I do have my favorite characters. I have had the emotions get so strong in certain stories that they make me cry, but I can cry at the drop of a dime. It's sad sometimes how easy it is. It's also a bit annoying. I've also seen where readers get almost fanatical about characters in the books. Not just empathizing with them, but wanting them, or worse, feeling they own the character--if they'd existed.
In my reading, I don't have a particularly strong favorite, but I do like Dayan and Darius from Feehan's Dark Series. I also have a Shifter in one of my own books, Morgan, that is like the ultimate crush. I'm not so keen on heroines. Not really sure I'm reading about the women most of the time. LOL
So what about you guys? Any favs that knock your socks off? Anyone you'd ditch the SO for? LOL Hypothetically of course. *wink*
I'm blogging at Romantic Inks today about how money affects our writing perceptions: Hobby or career?
Come and weigh in.
All the crazy and not so crazy facts you ever wanted to know about Texas. Well, maybe not all of them, but I found quite a few.
Cowboy's Ten Commandments posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in
Fairlie , Texas :
(1) Just one God.
(2) Honor yer Ma & Pa.
(3) No telling tales or gossipin'.
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meeting.
(5) Put nothin' before God.
(6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal.
(7) No killin'.
(8) Watch yer mouth.
(9) Don't take what ain't yers.
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff
From: http://www.trivia-library.com/b/places-in-world-most-likely-to-secede-texas.htm
If Texas were an independent nation, it would rank 5th in the world in petroleum production and 5th in cotton production, with a gross national product greater than Australia or Brazil.
From: Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texas.asp
A clause in the document annexing Texas to the United States allowed for Texas to be divided into five different states
What fun and colorful is our history!
Since the man has been home on vacation again I've been reading rather than writing a whole lot. So far, I've read ,
and I'm currently reading
. It's not something I usually can indulge in exclusively, but when I do, I tear through books like a kid (or me LOL) goes through chocolate.
He actually goes back to work tomorrow so I'm hoping to get back to my writing again. I've discovered Olivia, my muse, really doesn't like being around when the man is. So to compensate for her splitting while he's around, I read. I have several more on the To Be Read list, as well as a mile long To Be Bought list. That seems to grow no matter how fast I read. Just a lot of good writers out there.
We've also spent some family time watching the entire Star Wars Saga, one movie a day. Man those were good to watch again. Today it was
I will admit we don't usually spend a lot of family time just hanging out watching movies. I really have to be willing to sit still for the duration. I just have a hard time sitting still for that long. Books on the other hand, I can loll around on the bed or sit still to read for hours on end. I don't know what it is, the difference between watching a movie and reading a book. Movies are rarely longer then two hours. I think it's how I interpret them. I'm more involved when reading a book, it evokes emotions. More then a movie can, although it doesn't take much to make me cry it seems. I'm an easy sap when it comes to either.
So what have you guys been reading or watching for the summer?
The hubster is on vacation. He goes back to work tomorrow. It's been nice having him home. We did a few day trips while he was on vacation this time. Took the boy fishing, went to Fredericksburg and just basically lazed. It is summer after all.
But the problem is, I don't think my muse likes when he's home all day. When he's at work, I can sometimes write, but then she shuts up from when he gets home in the evening until bedtime and I try to write for a bit before I pass out myself. When he's at home, she falls off the planet. It doesn't help that he comes and reads over my shoulder. Officially this doesn't bother me. It depends on the content. He has this talent of coming in when I'm writing sex, regardless of how hot. How does he do that? The boy does it too, which doubles the challenge. *sigh*
My muse and I actually have a great relationship. Her name's Olivia, she's a bit of a spoiled goddess, but she's kind of cool too. I mean, how many five foot ten dark blondes do you know who wear a toga to the "office" and can lounge on a floating lounger looking thing with an ottoman and not be worried about her feet look in strappy sandals? Yeah. Me neither.
But right now she's not really around. I'm hoping she comes back when the man goes back to work tomorrow.
Fredericksburg is an old settlement town and filled with gorgeous historical buildings and history forward from the mid to late 1800s, from cattle drives to the first cars. At one of the museums we stopped at, they had a mammoth tusk that they'd found just north of the town. A beautiful town, filled with (slightly) overpriced stores and fun stops. One of the fun things was a straw cowboy hat for the boy. Not one of those red or blue trimmed 'kid's' hats, but a cowboy hat. LOL
One of the other things we bought was well, of course, Fredericksburg Fudge. Quite a bit of it actually. So creamy and rich. Very good stuff. I also bought some of these:
Believe it or not, they are chocolate and candy coated Sunflower Seeds! Tasty things, although a bit on the small side. We bought peaches and some fresh veggies from one of the local stands. There's one practically on every corner too! From Stonewall to Fredericksburg, heading north. Just a LOT of them. LOL
Unfortunately we didn't get to walk around quite as much as I'd have liked. The boy got bored "shopping" pretty quick. *sigh* So I want to go again, maybe with a friend or two to check out the leather shops (gorgeous purses) or the knick-knack shops. And I'd like to get to more of the museums. We only stopped at one and while it was cool to see so much, I was hoping for a bit more.
I did pick up some pamphlets for the B&B's in town. Maybe I can talk the man into going down for a weekend and actually visiting the town right. LOL One can always hope.
So that's pretty much how I spent my day. Now I'm home and I have laundry-oh the fun! (Note the sarcasm. It's there.)
Which means I'm really not here today. I know. What a drag. I should be here. I have so much work to do, books to write, a workshop to figure out. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I'm going to be spending the day with the man and the boy, so it should be fun. It'll probably be exhausting too. It's going to be a LOT of walking.
Fredericksburg is close to Enchanted Rock. From the website: "It is one of the largest batholiths (underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States." I don't know honestly if we're going to make it there or not tomorrow. I haven't been since I was a kid, at least 15 years. Yeah, I'm really that freakin' old. I feel it most days too.
Anyway, so we're going to take a day trip down there to cruise the town, check out the Nimitz Museum, some of the shops and some recommended restaurants. Well, probably only one. Can only eat so much in one day.
Aside from that, I have one more winner to announce! Yep, I sure do. I'm going to give away any book of my backlist or if the winner is willing to wait, either of my pending releases, HIS MASTER PLAN or TRUSTING DELILAH. I would just hold onto your email and once I have the book in my hot little hands, I'd forward it to you.
So, with all of that said and done, and after a really fun and wonderful week, everyone's comments went into the hat and the winner for the freebie pick is.....
*cracks the envelope*
Email me Karen and let me know which book you prefer.
I will be doing this again soon! This was a wonderful experience and I really appreciate everyone's comments.
My last excerpt.... Ahhh. Don't cry! Really... I'm sure I'll be doing this again, and even so, there's always free reading and excerpts on my sites. Sites? Yes. I said sites.
Lemme 'splainz. hehehe
I recently sold a book to Liquid Silver Books. The catch? It ain't sweet mainstream. So... I went with a nom de plume, a pen name to separate the works. It's still me, still romance through and through, but... Well, you knew there had to be one. *wink*
The difference is these works are steamy and as much as I'd love to give you the full details of this newest and latest trip I seem to be taking, I can't. Not here. So I have a new site for this new name that is a new me.
Please look for the hotter side of moi at Diana DeRicci's new pad. http://www.dianadericci.com Trust me, you can't miss the place. It's sultry and just sparkly enough to make you smile that knowing smile and nod, because you know, you get it.I'll be posting excerpts, covers and news for that work on that site, and if you ever lose the link, it's in my side bar, right over there. --->
A few have asked the question: To hide or not to hide?
Honestly, I don't feel I need to hide that it's me. I want people to find all of my works, but I don't want people to mistake one kind for the other, thus the two names. if anyone ever has a question about this, I'm only an email away. (No, that doesn't mean I want to hear about how Jesus can save me [I am Christian, thank you] or how writing about it will rot my brain. That train has already left the station, folks.)
So with this "unveiling" of my alter-ego (really it's just doubling the workload for my muse.Trust me on this one. LOL) I am sharing my new site information with all of you. I hope if you've enjoyed this week, my writing, and my stories, that you'll check out my other site. Even if steamier work doesn't "do it" for you, that's totally fine with me. I'm glad to have this chance to share my news and my books with you.
So without further delay... Friday's Excerpt!
The first one is always one we remember.... *wipes up a nostalgic tear*
She was cleaning the ice cream scoops and wiping down the counter when they entered nearly an hour later. She was even more confused to see them both smiling.
“Mom, I’m going to go see Mr. Tipple. I’ll see you in a bit,” Jacob called out, not waiting for her response. She waved as he bounded back out the door.
Brick leaned against the counter with a bemused expression as she worked. His prolonged silence began to grate on her already stretched nerves. Finally, she threw the towel onto the counter, unable to take it any longer. “What do you want? Don’t you have someone’s arms to twist somewhere?”
She huffed at him. “So you’re just going to stand there and watch me, is that it?”
“You have absolutely nothing better to do with your day?”
“Actually, I do, but it involves you anyway.”
“What are you talking about?” Agitated, she ran her hand down the front of her smock.
“I think your son, the man, has just given me permission to date his mother.” His eyes twinkled, making the deep blue sparkle like a midnight sky.
She startled visibly at that. “Excuse me? Sorry, but I don’t date.” She wiped at the counter in wide, vicious circles. She was going to have to talk to Jacob. Again. What she'd told him did not give him express permission to set her up.
Brick shrugged. “That’s what he said.”
Jessie fisted her hands on her hips. “Oh, really? Just a fountain of information about his dear old mom, I guess.” She wasn’t sure what irritated her more—the fact they'd discussed her social life, or the fact that the conversation had been between her son and the one arrogant man she found herself completely attracted to.
“Will you come out from behind there?” Her head snapped up in confusion at the silky, velvet tone he used. She hesitated, battling her indecision. His look was concerned when he asked, “What’s wrong?”
Lifting the back of her hand to her forehead to push away stray hair, she eyed him carefully. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Why?” He reached over and pushed the stubborn lock of hair back for her a second time. Tingles shot down her spine when his fingers slowly brushed her skin.
“Bad dreams. Nothing, really.” But she couldn’t look up at him.
He lifted his hand to grip her chin and bring it gently upward to meet his gaze. “What kind of dreams?” His voice had dropped to a husky whisper that caressed her, making her heart skip.
“Nothing,” she insisted, but her tongue almost tripped on the word.
“It must have been something if you lost sleep over it.” His thumb stroked her cheek as he cradled her face in his palm. His comforting touch only confused her more.
“I can’t go out with you,” she blurted. Her eyes widened, shocked at her own words.
His lips curved in gentle understanding at her outburst. “I haven’t asked you to. Not yet, anyway.” He angled his head, looking into her eyes. “You were hurt by the way Arthur treated you, weren’t you?”
She jerked herself out of his hypnotic hold. “What happened doesn’t matter.” Taking a deep breath, Jessie stepped back, putting space between them. “I don’t date because I choose not to, and to protect Jacob. I will not give him an amoral picture of relationships.” She decided to let her prickly attitude speak for itself, but he didn’t seem to even notice.
Brick crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaning his hip against the counter again. “I believe you. He knows he’s partly responsible, but he doesn’t want to be the only reason, if, in fact, he is.” She stood, unblinking, for several breaths before he continued. “I want to kiss you again.”
Available here: http://tinyurl.com/3hjh4c .
Thank you again for hanging out with me this week! I've really enjoyed everyone stopping by, and as a final thank you, I'm drawing a lucky winner from ALL of the posts for the week to win a book of their choice from my current list! I'll be drawing that person tomorrow (give or take a few hours)
Thanks for sharing this week with me!
Congratulations to: Phoebe Jordan!
Please email me at Diana.castilleja @ Gmail.com for your PDF copy.
Okay, so here it is Thursday... Wow... Where did this week get to? It's been a lot of fun but we're not done! Heh, look ma, I rhymed! LOL Today, I'm giving you a taste of my first contemporary release with Whiskey Creek Press, HIS MASTER PLAN.
Here's the skinny on it:
Elizabeth Whitten has a few problems with men. She has learned from experience they are untrustworthy and unable to commit to just one woman. Her father was a prime example. Her just dumped boyfriend was another. She refuses to be taken for a ride any longer. Being alone is better than being used and cheated on.
When Dan Masters returns to Somerset, the memories of his flirtatious innuendoes at their first meeting and the interruption of his wife have already labeled him in Elizabeth's book. But Dan isn't quite ready to let her slip passed his radar. Life has taken a downhill turn for Dan, and when the last thing he was looking for winds up being the best thing he's ever found, he goes after Elizabeth with the tenacious personality that marked his career and makes him the man he is.
Friday morning, El was sitting at her desk, frowning at the returned proposal. Some people had no sense of class or taste when it came to decorating. Shabby chic if not done well, was just, well…trashy. She shuddered at the images her clients had returned with the proposal.
She personally didn’t have a problem seeing a job she didn’t agree with completed. It wasn’t her job to agree with every desire and wish, but she refused to attach her name to something this God-awful. She would meet with them again and try to change their direction. Otherwise they could shop at the huge discount store and accomplish the exact same look and save thousands of dollars and her effort.
“El, Sharon is on the phone. Are you going to the open house tomorrow night?” Alicia called.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” she shouted without looking up. She ignored the shadow that fell over her door, thinking it was Alicia. But her head snapped up with shock when his voice penetrated her thoughts of the proposal from Hell.
“Let Sharon know I’ll be there too. I need to talk to some of her guests.” His voice was whiskey smooth and deep. And it sent a shiver clear down to her toes.
“Will do,” she heard Alicia say. But she couldn’t pick up anything else as he sauntered into her office and hunkered down in one of her leather chairs. He sat and smiled like he had every right to be there. And technically, she guessed, he did. He was a client.
“Hi,” he said, a soft sound that vibrated through her.
She swallowed. “Hello.”
He held his hands in front of him as he crossed his legs at the ankle. She admired his lean legs with quick glances as he settled himself deeper, as if for a long stay. At least it didn’t seem his knee was bothering him. His lips curved up when he caught her wandering gaze, a sexy twist that made her stomach clench.
She picked up the pages before her, purposely keeping space between them as she returned them to the client folder. When he didn’t seem predisposed to enlighten her, she asked, “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Always,” he whispered, a soft glow in his gaze. “But for now, I need your professional expertise.”
“I haven’t been fired?” She stilled, surprised as his voice swam over her.
“No. And you can’t quit.” He pulled a slip of paper from his hip pocket. “My mother has asked a favor. I told her what an incredible knack you have and she wants this.”
She reached for the scrap, trying to avoid his touch but couldn’t. His heat arced through her like a lightning bolt. She forced her gaze to focus on the writing while she waited for her heart to quiet, but it didn’t get the chance. She swallowed as the painting and artist hit her. “But it’s impossible to find this artist! It’ll cost a fortune.”
His brow lifted. “If you don’t think you can do it…” He reached for the paper.
She sat back quickly, yanking her hand away from his grasping fingers. “I didn’t say I couldn’t do it,” she huffed. “But it isn’t going to be cheap, and it will take some time.” She found her bottom lip and held it between her teeth.
“Mom asked for it for her birthday. I told her someday I would. Now I can.” He gave her a meaningful stare. “I have you, my genie, to help me.”
She chewed on her lip again. “How long do I have?”
He waved a hand. “As long as it takes. She won’t be disappointed if it isn’t found. She knows the value of the painting. The artist is among her favorites. Mom has a lot of her work.”
“She’s not alone on that,” Elizabeth said, distracted. She racked her brain. Where to start? Who might have it? “How much?” she asked absently.
“As much as is reasonable for the value of the painting. I trust your judgment,” he told her calmly.
She gaped at him. “Including the appraisal and insurance, you’re looking at well over a hundred grand.” She’d had requests before, but not for something as obscure as this painting. They were flourishes of color; the animals—horses, tigers, griffons, and dragons were stunning if memory could be trusted.
He nodded once. “I figured that.” When she caught his grin, he appeared surprisingly pleased. His eyes glittered with a secret light as he told her, “So now you can’t quit. And my mother would hang me if I fired you.” His grin deepened as he kept her gaze captive. He stood with fluid grace, his parting shot seductive on his lips. He leaned over her desk, arms spread wide, giving her a great view of his chest. “Now I get to see you tomorrow night. And I can’t wait,” he whispered before he strode back out her door.
Watch for my first WCP release in December!
The Hanged Man: The Eternal Kiss * Book one: Shadowed Souls It's been almost a year since my vampire Diego has seen the light of ...er... night.... LOL But I'm very happy say that he and his story is out by Tease Publishing as part of the Dark Tarot Imprint!
I'm very happy to see this book be available once more! It is available NOW! Woot!
As part of the imprint series, the covers are representations of a true Tarot deck, and Diego's story is of the Hanged Man. The card reveals sacrifice, selflessness, and solutions to problems that then weren't obvious through his travels. These solutions becomes clear as he acts and reacts to his world. This card lends its meaning to both Diego and Titania.
Welcome to their world.........
Diego Viteri has lived for centuries with only one real goal, to avenge himself against the one who destroyed the man that he was and created the creature he is now. He is suffering a growing loneliness that is becoming impossible to ignore. His only reason for not ending his life is to see that Brakka is served his justice and then, Diego can rest.
The last thing he is expecting is to have an encounter with a human woman who is willing to jump between himself and Brakka during a harsh and bloody battle. Their one meeting changes everything for Diego, bringing to life emotions and wants that he has long believed to be as dead as he is.
As he follows Titania and her band, his needs reshape into something that he can't ignore. Before he knows what he has done, he bonds with her and sets into motion the very thing he swore he would never do to another person. He has shared his curse and in the process may have very well killed her. And there is only one choice to be made to try to save her.
Her hand skimmed over his shoulder to wrap into his hair. She pulled him closer, and he lay down with her, his full length eclipsing her.
He could not help himself. He leaned forward and found the hardened peak of one, sucking gently. She arched and let out a shriek, her arms capturing his head and holding him in her pleasure. Hunger flared, seared him as he caressed and laved at that hard nub.
Kiss me.
He rose instantly to those luscious lips, answering the plea in her voice, in his thoughts. Her desire ignited his to a new level, a hunger for her completion, for her body, searing his brain.
Diego drew her bottom lip into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the sensitive skin inside, and his body clenched at her whimpers. He thrust within, his tongue meeting hers, mating, stroking at the sweet temptation of her mouth.
He found the corner of her lips, caressing it tenderly as he glided along her jaw, her head tipped back to his hungry exploration. His heart thundered as he tasted her, sipped at the delicate texture beneath her ear.
He inhaled her sweet essence, the steady beat of her blood through her body. He snapped his head back sharply, blinking.
“What’s wrong?” Titania asked, staring up at him, frozen, immediately catching his confusion.
“Nothing. I think.” He lowered to her neck, right over his claiming mark, and inhaled. His fangs exploded with a raging hunger, striking him hard and deep. He whipped his head away before she could see the flames in his gaze, the telltale fangs.
Her hand fell to her neck. “Intense,” she said, watching him carefully.
“It will pass.”
“Is it because you need to eat?” she asked. Caution tinged her words.
He almost smiled at her wild thoughts. He remained faced away from her instead. “I am not thinking of snacking, cara.”
“What happened?” She cradled his chin with her fingertips, applying a subtle pressure, turning him.
Dark lashes hid his worst thoughts. “It is stronger, sweeter.” He drew a deep breath and released it slowly. “I can control this.”
“Would it be bad? Because I am now like you?”
“Honestly, I do not know.”
Big, blue eyes shimmered up at him, her mouth growing supple. She tilted her head, exposing her throat. “I trust you.”
He sucked in air, stunned at her gift. “Cara, I do not know if it will harm you.”
She blinked up at him. “Why would you feel so strongly for it then? Has it been like this before?”
He thought back and had to shake his head. “No. Not like this.” Never like this.
Fingers danced across his chin, trailed down his own neck, and muscles clenched from him jaw to his toes. “Diego, I feel it, too. I want to share with you. I want to know how it feels for you. I want to know it is only me you feel this way for.”
He buried his face into her shoulder. “Titania. It is only you. Do you not know that?”
She tilted once more. “Then show me.”
Diego did not know if he should pray or cry in gratitude. Titania was the most unselfish being in his entire world. This was from her, to him. Simply because he wanted it.
For the full first chapter, please visit my site.
Watch the book video. ---->
This book is available now in Ebook here!! Want it in print? It will be out in September! Woohooo!
Want a free download? It's really pretty easy. Go to my site, and tell me the title of one of the free reads I have available. Download it while you're there. They're short and sweet. You can put the answer in comments. Look for the winner tomorrow!
Yesterday's winner is: lainey bancroft
Congratulations! Email me for your PDF at
diana.castilleja @ gmail.com (You know the routine-no space. LOL)
So today, I'm going to treat you guys with a peek at a story that is primed for '09. TRUSTING DELILAH is the first book of my quadruplets series. I even have a little inspiration for you.
This will be released early next year, January or February I believe, with Tease Publishing.
Roman Aiza is the second born son of the Aiza clan. He also owns and operates a private security company and has an ongoing contract with one of Florida's most influential residents. He is patrolling at a party when he encounters a woman who will haunt him. A woman who at their first meeting, manages to walk right out of his hands when he follows her for trespassing. She manages to do this without giving Roman a single reason why she is in the depths of the house he is protecting. When he does finally locate her days later, his goal is to prove that his instincts are wrong. She is not the woman that all of his senses are clamoring for.
Yet when the daughter of Roman's largest and closest account is kidnapped and held for ransom, will they be able to build a trust between them? Or will their own secrets keep them apart?
(unedited. I claim all screw-ups. :) )
Roman hadn’t wanted to come back, not after their last meeting. He knew she was a hard ass. The hardest damn rock of a sharp shooter he’d ever met, but it was becoming impossible to ignore her. Impossible to forget her. She’d begun to infiltrate his dreams, and he didn’t like it. He did not want to be interested in this woman.
His father had warned him, had warned all of the children their time would come, and when it did there was nothing to be done about it.
Roman was the second born, second son in a group of non-identical quadruplets. The rarity of multiple siblings in a single birth was astronomical. And yet, there had never been an explanation for it either. His mother had never admitted to doing anything to encourage the quadruplet birth, and Roman would be the last person to ask if she had manipulated it.
Still, he was thankful for his family. He loved his brother and his sisters. He adored his parents—they knew how to stay out of his life. But for once, just in this instance, he wished this was something he didn’t have to face alone.
It sucked that this was happening to him first. He felt like a damn guinea pig, because now he knew why he was drawn to the raven-haired woman when so many others could be dismissed like yesterday’s paper.
This woman, the one he still didn’t have a real name for after more fruitless searching, was by all of his senses, his mate. The only information he’d found on her was more names and addresses than any one person should be born with. She was a chameleon on paper, but a hot-blooded woman in person.
He swallowed as he leaned his motorcycle to rest, and tossed his leg across with an easy movement as he stared at the warehouse yet again. Maybe this time she wouldn’t be here. He could only hope.
He pushed the door open and heard the grating sound again. He held his jaw tight waiting for the expected shout to leave. It never came. His head snapped up instead when he heard a guttural cry in the depths of the building. Instinctively, he pulled his weapon from its holster, searching in all directions, sliding into the shadows as the cry repeated followed by a sharp cracking sound. Every nerve he had went on alert as he followed the sound, nearing a step at a time. He rolled his body soundlessly around a corner, his vision trying to adjust to the flickering light from the overhead windows in the cavernous area of the warehouse.
He drew a breath. She was there. Even as he inched further down the wall making his assessment, the relieved fact that she was alone registered at the same unstoppable instant his wrists were whacked with a rod. Less than three seconds later he was flat on his back—again—staring up at her wide eyed and annoyed expression.
Watch my site for more information and excerpts about this release!
Aug 8-12,
New Orleans, LA